Responsible sourcing
Our suppliers are key partners for us in controlling and developing the sustainability of our value chain. In addition to engaging with our suppliers directly, we are a member of the amfori BSCI, a platform that enables companies to improve visibility over the social performance of their supply chain. We aim for active engagement with and continuous evaluation of our suppliers.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) presents Orthex’s sustainability requirements for suppliers. Our suppliers must either commit to our Supplier Code of Conduct or present their own code of conduct with similar or stricter sustainability requirements compared to those in our SCoC. In countries that we have determined high-risk, we monitor compliance with our SCoC in the supply chain through amfori BSCI which carries out on-site inspections, audits, and periodic self-evaluations of suppliers and their sub-contractors.
If the measures of amfori BSCI, or our own, reveal non-compliance with our SCoC, we require the supplier to take corrective action and remedy any adverse impacts on people or the environment, as well as ensure the prevention of similar issues taking place in the future. The supplier is given a timeframe to complete the agreed actions. If the supplier is unable to take corrective, remedial, or preventive measures on its own, we will support in developing and implementing an action plan.
If the supplier is unwilling to take corrective action, or there are repeated and serious breaches of our SCoC, Orthex has the right to end the business relationship. Orthex will not conduct any business with a supplier engaged in violations of fundamental human rights, and we will immediately terminate the business relationship with a supplier that commit such violations. These zero-tolerance practices are listed in our SCoC.