A range of storage boxes made from recycled plastic. A durable box especially suited for the storage room, basement or garage. The box 65 is perfect for storing blankets, boots, tools and various outdoor gear, as well as larger sports and hobby equipment. Boxes nest without lids and stack with lids on. The sturdy clips keep the lid firmly in place.
All SmartStore products that carry a label saying "10 Year Guarantee" are guaranteed to stay functional for a period of 10 years, fulfilling their original purpose. The guarantee does not in any way impact the legal rights of consumers. The guarantee does not cover products which are defective, or have been damaged, as a result of wear or tear from normal use, when the products have been misused or subjected to carelessness or abnormal usage conditions.
Made in Sweden
Describes the type of plastic. This symbol means that the plastic can be recycled or combusted. High shock, impact and wear resistance.
Made from recycled material
The box is airtight when the lid is closed. Never leave small children unattended due to suffocation hazard
Highest and lowest temperature that the material can withstand.